
Offering ABLE Accounts to West Virginians with disabilities
Tax-free savings plan for disability-related expenses
Save and invest without losing federal needs-based benefits

State Plan


Every five years, the WVDDC develops a State Plan. The plan entails a comprehensive review of major service systems and issues in West Virginia where we outline goals, objectives and specific activities that will be implemented to bring about change. The State Plan guides the Council regarding how staff and fiscal resources are allocated. The Council State Plan is developed in accordance with the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. Click to view the full 2022-2026 State Plan.

The Council's 2022-2026 State Plan Goals

Goal 1

Service System: Public service systems will be more responsive to the needs of people with I/DD and their families so they will have better opportunities to learn, work, and thrive in their communities.

Goal 2

Advocacy: People with I/DD, their families, and allies will gain knowledge and develop necessary advocacy skills and use them to advocate for their rights, access to needed services, and systems’ changes.

Goal 3

Community Building and Engagement:
Communities will include people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities as participating, valued members.

By the Numbers


Number of West Virginians with developmental disabilities (1.8%).


Number of school students receiving special education services (17%).


Percent of individuals on the I/DD Waiver program who live with their families or specialized family care providers.


Percent of working age adults with cognitive disabilities who have jobs in the community.